See what is in store for the 2024 Montana Governor's Conference on Tourism.

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Monday AM Breakout Sessions

As organizations navigate through this ever-changing world, crisis communication plans should be an integral part of any marketing plan. In the aftermath of a crisis, it's essential for destinations/organizations to effectively communicate their recovery plans to the public. We'll explore the importance of empathy, transparency, and authenticity in communication, as well as the role of social media in shaping public perception.



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Native American entrepreneurs will share immersive presentations on how they are using their rich cultural heritage as a foundation for business. These businesses focus on traditional crafts, knowledge, and practices that are being transformed into profitable ventures. They are inspiring visitors to Indian Country, and are helping to preserve and promote Native American culture both within and outside their communities. 

Agritourism offers visitors the opportunity to connect with the bountiful working landscapes and production farms in Big Sky Country, both near urban hotspots and in Montana’s rich rural communities. What types of agritourism experiences are compelling - and to which visitors? How do we tailor our marketing to the visitors we want to attract? How far are visitors willing to travel for agritourism? How can tourism agencies, local businesses, and community partners participate in and foster the sustainable development of this industry to the benefit of ag producers and rural communities? This panel welcomes a robust discussion on all these questions, and more. Join us! 



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Whether you’re advocating for changes or reporting on the status of your community, these insights can focus the conversation on the right information, save time, and lead to better strategic decisions.  Spend half of the session learning best practices and getting ideas from your fellow DMOs on how you can use the available data to show destination performance, justify marketing decisions or better communicate with stakeholders. The second half of the session will be a hands-on workshop, diving into the data available to you through the Montana Zartico Partner Portal. You will be able to identify key insights about your destination, leaving ready to share this with your stakeholders. 



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This session is sponsored by: 


The top activity of visitors, in the world (not the reason they come, but the top activity once they arrive) is shopping, dining and entertainment in a pedestrian-friendly intimate setting--Your downtown. This is where 80% of the non-lodging tourism spending takes place. In this fast-paced, enlightening, and how-to-make-it-happen session, you’ll see how tourism and downtowns can come together to create powerful partnerships with stronger, more successful marketing and increased local spending, all while saving money in the process. This is a perfect followup to the opening keynote “Shift Happens.”



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Monday PM Breakout Sessions

As organizations navigate through this ever-changing world, crisis communication plans should be an integral part of any marketing plan. In the aftermath of a crisis, it's essential for destinations/organizations to effectively communicate their recovery plans to the public. We'll explore the importance of empathy, transparency, and authenticity in communication, as well as the role of social media in shaping public perception.



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Delve into the world of cinematic influence with "Reel Influence," a breakout session designed to unpack the dynamic role of film in our community. In this session, we will navigate the narrative currents of film to understand its ripple effect on community identity, engagement, and economic development. Through expert-led discussions, collaborative workshops, and interactive activities. "Reel Influence" promises to be an eye-opening experience that will empower you to harness the storytelling power of film to script the next chapter of our community's narrative.



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This interactive session will empower participants with hands-on exercises and real-world use cases, reinforcing the principles discussed in “The 12 Laws of AI.” Through engaging activities and collaborative discussions, you'll not only grasp the theoretical foundations but also discover how to implement these AI tools into your day-to-day production and operations. Prepare to deepen your understanding of AI's nuances and enhance your organization's capability to navigate the intricate landscape of artificial intelligence. Join Matt Clement, Managing Partner at Madden Media as we bridge theory and application, turning knowledge into actionable insights.



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 This session is sponsored by: 


Sports Tourism, A Community and Destination’s Home Run is a breakout session that explores the transformative power of sports tourism in local communities. The session will go concept overview, highlighting how sports tourism not only boosts local development and infrastructure but also fosters community and cohesion. It then examines the economic benefits, noting how this niche creates jobs across various sectors including hospitality, transportation, and retail. The discussion moves to capacity building, emphasizing the role of sports tourism in enhancing local skills and capabilities.



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“Who is visiting and how do we reach them?” is one of the most important questions in tourism. This session will explore visitation data and travel trends to help answer this question. More importantly, the discussion will dive into how Montana’s past target audiences have evolved and how Montana can attract new audiences in the future.



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Tuesday AM Breakout Sessions

The accessible tourism and recreation workshop will offer attendees a guide to enhancing accessibility in the tourism and recreation industry. Participants will receive a self-assessment checklist, enabling businesses to evaluate their current accessibility status and identify areas for improvement. Additionally, an accessibility database in development will be introduced, which will centralize valuable information for businesses and travelers seeking accessible facilities and destinations. The workshop will also highlight regional resources, connecting attendees with local organizations who can offer support and guidance. Participants will also leave with a curated list of online resources and guides to aid in making their businesses more accessible. Real-world success stories will serve as inspiration, showcasing places that have successfully enhanced accessibility, making outdoor adventures, cultural experiences, and recreational activities more inclusive for all. In essence, the workshop will provide a comprehensive toolkit for businesses and professionals in the industry to create a more inclusive and accessible tourism and recreation environment 


  • Brenden Dalin, Summit Independent Living
  • Kayla Mosher, Kaniksu Land Trust
  • Steve Smith, HydroLogistics Montana
  • Anna Bruning, Missoula Adaptive Recreation

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The allure of film and TV production can have a significant impact on a community, from boosting the local economy to putting it on the cultural map. Making our community "camera ready" means ensuring that when production companies scout for locations, our area stands out as an ideal setting. This comprehensive workshop will equip you with the necessary skills and knowledge to attract and support film and TV projects, highlighting the community’s best features and ensuring it meets the logistical needs of a bustling production set.



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In this immersive breakout session, "Recipe for Resilience," Mariah guides you through the rich tapestry of indigenous food history and its contemporary resurgence. Uncover the transformative journey of native food systems from pre-colonial times to their adaptation through colonization and back to their roots in modern culture. This workshop is particularly insightful for businesses and tourism professionals looking to incorporate authentic, culturally significant culinary experiences into their offerings. Gain a deeper understanding of how these traditional practices can enrich tourism experiences, drive sustainable business models, and foster meaningful connections with indigenous heritage. Whether you're in the hospitality industry, culinary arts, or cultural tourism, this session offers invaluable insights into leveraging indigenous foodways for cultural and commercial success.



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Join us in this engaging session as we delve into Montana's travel and tourism landscape for the year 2024 and beyond. Discover valuable insights from the Institute for Tourism and Recreation Research (ITRR) and gain a comprehensive understanding of the research methodologies, data platforms, and their practical applications in the context of tourism and outdoor recreation. We'll also examine the inherent limitations and challenges of utilizing this data effectively. Also, we'll explore leveraging this wealth of information in your day-to-day decision-making processes, whether for marketing strategies, planning initiatives, or effective management. To illustrate the real-world impact of this data, we will provide examples of framing regional narratives using the insights. This session promises to be interactive, so remember to bring your computer and any questions or challenges you'd like to discuss.



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 This session is sponsored by: 



Review the current JV Co-Op program, with Medium Giant, and how it's been performing holistically based on the reporting we have inherited and what we are seeing to date.

Open Discussion:

  • How can we best streamline efforts and complement direct media buys the JV partners are handling in-house or with their agency partners?
  • What's been working, what's not? How open are they to changing partners?



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 This session is sponsored by: 
